
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Three Weeks Can Really Fly By

So, it turns out the baby is three weeks older than we thought! We went for the ultrasound Wednesday, and they gave me a due date of March 23. This has totally freaked me out. I feel like I've already missed three weeks of the baby's life!!! But, it does mean that we passed the all important 14 week mark with no problems and that as of tomorrow we are in week 16. The ultrasound was REALLY neat, we got to see the baby moving all over the place. I was worried I wouldn't be able to see what was what, but it looked like an actual little person. After the ultrasound, I went into about two days of panic. Do you realize that we're going to have a baby?? Yes, and I call myself a smart girl!

Today, we went to my mother-in-law's. She gave us a crib & mattress and a bunch of furniture that will work well for the baby's room. We have a TON of work to do, but we do have a lot of time to do it, and a ton of people we can call on to help us. Now that we have the furniture in the house, it's a little easier to picture what everything will look like.

On the plus side, my nausea is FINALLY starting subside, I"m eating enough to feed a small Latin American country, and I have more energy!!!

On Monday, we're going to my parents for Thanksgiving dinner, my grandparents will be there, so we'll make the big announcement that they're going to be great-grandparents. I think that's going to be a lot of fun, they're going to be thrilled!!

Last Monday, I told my boss that I'm pregnant. My department is quite small, and the girl I work most closely with, who covers my holidays etc. is also pregnant, and due Feb. 10, so they're a little panicked about that! But, they are a fairly family-friendly company, so once they get over the shock, and we hire another person, hopefully everyone will feel better. I've done my best to convince them that I really do intend to come back from maternity leave, but they're skeptical, and I guess really, they have to be.

I need to start posting here on a more regular basis, then it wouldn't be such a mish-mash of thoughts...

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