
Monday, December 17, 2007

Double Digits

So, we're down to 98 days to go! That's exciting and scary all at once.

We put up our Christmas tree Saturday night. The whole time we were decorating, I kept thinking about how different next Christmas is going to be.

I'm not really in a Christmas mood this year. I just want it to be January, because that's when we're going to start working on the nursery. I feel like we have so much to do and so little time.

It's still hard to believe that we're going to have a baby. I try to imagine how this little person is going to change our lives, but it's still very surreal.

I need to pace myself and slow down a bit. I had a huge list of things to do on Saturday, and I got them all done, but I totally wore myself out in the process. I'm still feeling really good, I just have to remember that I don't quite have the energy I had last year.

On the medical side of things, I have another appointment with my kidney specialist this Thursday and then an appointment with my OB next Friday. We also start child birth classes at the beginning of January. Being the control freak that I am, I'm really looking forward to the classes. I feel like there's so much I don't know that I don't even know which questions to ask.

Last weekend, my sister came over and helped me go through my disaster of a closet. We packed away everything that doesn't fit me right now, donated 2 big bags of clothes to charity and threw out a bag of clothes that were too awful to even donate. It was a huge help!!

Last night, we had our family Christmas. It feels weird to celebrate so early, but my sister and brother-in-law are going out East for the holidays. It was a good day, but I ended up staying up way past my bedtime!

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