
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Moment for Alex

They say the squeaky wheel gets the grease; at our house it seems like the verbal child gets the blog posts!  So, I decided to take a moment to update on our little Alex.

Well, first of all, she's not so little anymore.  She's over 15 pounds already!  She's moving like crazy.  She rolls around the house.  I left her on the floor the other day, came back and couldn't find her!

She's desperately trying to crawl.  She can get up onto her hands and knees, or her hands and feet, she just hasn't figured out how to move forward yet.  I often go into her room at night to find her on her hands and knees frustrated because she's stuck and can't sleep!

She's done shockingly well with my return to work.  Somehow, she decided daddy could take care of her too, just in time!  She's started solid food and is doing really well, but, she'd rather have what's on our plates than the traditional baby foods.

All the eating seems to have sparked something:  yesterday her two bottom teeth cut through the gums.

One day last week, she decided to sit.  One day she couldn't sit unsupported, the next day she was sitting for minutes at a time.  

She's interacting with her sister more & more.  The other day, Caitlyn was singing "I'm a Little Teapot" and Alex was giggling.  Today, Caitlyn was playing catch with Alex.  Caitlyn would roll the ball towards Alex, Alex would grab at the ball, which would end up pushing it back.

It's so fun watching our little princess grow up into a person of her own!

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